Titusville Downtown Space View Park Stormwater Treatment FacilityCLIENT INFORMATION PROJECT BUDGET AND SCHEDULE PROJECT INFORMATION During June 2003 Environmental Research & Design, Inc. (ERD) was selected by the City of Titusville to perform a feasibility study and engineering design for an off-line alum stormwater treatment system for a 112 acre residential and commercial watershed in Downtown Titusville. Much of the developed area within the drainage basin was constructed prior to implementation of requirements for stormwater treatment systems, and untreated runoff from the basin discharges directly into the Indian River. The purpose of the project is to divert and treat runoff discharging through a 60 inch RCP using alum treatment and floc collection. The Phase I - Preliminary Design work efforts included: The collected runoff and baseflow samples were evaluated in a series of laboratory jar tests to determine the optimum alum treatment dose and evaluate settling characteristics. The laboratory testing indicated that the alum treatment would significantly reduce effluent concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and TSS. Floc collection is provided in an off-line pond which doubles as a centerpiece for a downtown park dedicated to the space program. Capital and O&M costs were calculated for the treatment system along with mass load reductions for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids. During the design phase, ERD prepared final construction drawings, contract documents, technical specifications, and opinion of cost. ERD was also responsible for overseeing bidding, construction, start-up and the initial 3 months of operation. RELEVANT WORK PRODUCTS
2018 ERD Environmental Research & Design