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Selected ERD publications which may be of interest to engineering or lake management professionals are listed below. These publications can be downloaded as PDF files by clicking on the links provided.
52. Harper, H.H. (August 2017). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of the Hughey Avenue Alum Stormwater Treatment System." Final Report prepared for the City of Orlando, Florida
51. Harper, H.H. (December 2015). "Sweetwater Cove Lake Lyngbya Nutrient Source Evaluation." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida
50. Harper, H.H.; Harper, C.; and Baker, D.M. (June 2015). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of Underdrain Filtration and Dry Detention Best Management Practices." Final Report prepared for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Contract No. WQ010
49. Harper, H.H. and Baker, D.M. (December 2014). "Evaluation of Performance Efficiencies of Casselberry Gross Pollutant Separators." Final Report prepared for the City of Casselberry, Florida Public Works Department
48. Harper, H.H. (September 2014). "Evaluation of Physical/Chemical Characteristics of Soft Sediments in Lake Jesup - Technical Report." Final Report prepared for the St. Johns River Water Management District for Contract No. 27945
47. Harper, H.H. (June 2014). "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Alum Sediment Inactivation Treatment to Lake Jessamine." Final Report prepared for Orange County, Florida
46. Harper, H.H. (April 2014). "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Alum Sediment Inactivation Treatment to Lake Holden." Final Report prepared for Orange County, Florida
45. Harper, H.H. (September 2013). "Silver Lake Sediment Inactivation Analysis and Evaluation - Evaluation Phase Results." Final Report prepared for Pinellas County, Florida
44. Harper, H.H. (July 2013). "Evaluation of Hydrologic and Nutrient Loadings from Groundwater Seepage to Lake Jesup." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida
43. Harper, H.H. (June 2013). "Evaluation of Sediment Impacts on Hydrologic and Nutrient Loadings from Groundwater Seepage to Lake Jesup." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida
42. Harper, H.H. (April 2013). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of the Booker Lake Alum Stormwater Treatment System." Final Report prepared for the City of St. Petersburg, Florida
41. Harper, H.H. and Baker, D.M. (January 2013). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of the Tropical Farms Stormwater Retrofit Project." Final Report prepared for Martin County, Florida
40. Harper, H.H. and Baker, D.M. (September 2012). "Long Branch Creek Nutrient Source Evaluation and Assessment." Final Report prepared for Pinellas County, Florida
39. Harper, H.H.; Baker, D.M; and Harper, C (May 2012). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of the Lockhart-Smith Regional Stormwater Facility (RSF)." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida
38. Harper, H.H. (August 2011). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of the Cameron Ditch Stormwater Facility." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida
37. Harper, H.H. (May 2011). "Performance Efficiency Evaluation of the Club II Regional Stormwater Facility (RSF)." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida.
36. Harper, H.H. (September 2010). "Roosevelt Creek Nutrient Source Evaluation and Assessment." Final Report prepared for Pinellas County, Florida.
35. Harper, H.H. (September 2010). "Lake Tibet Sub-Basins 1 & 2 Nutrient Source Evaluation." Final report prepared for Orange County, Florida.
34. Harper, H.H. (September 2010). "Evaluation of the Performance Efficiency of the Pioneer Key Regional Stormwater Pond." Final Report prepared for the City of Ocoee, Florida
33. Harper, H.H. (September 2010). "Elder Creek Stormwater Facility Performance Efficiency Evaluation." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida.
32. Harper, H.H. (April 2010). "Evaluation of the Performance Efficiency of the Town of Windermere Stormceptor Units." Final Report prepared for the Town of Windermere, Florida-Department of Public Works for Agreement No. TOW-019/836136.
31. Harper, H.H. (March 2010). "Evaluation of the Performance Efficiency of the Poppleton Creek Wet Detention Pond." Final Report prepared for the City of Stuart, Florida-Department of Public Works for PO# P280316.
30. Harper, H.H. (February 2010). "Klosterman Bayou and Joe's Creek Nutrient Source Evaluation." Final Report prepared for Pinellas County, Florida for PO# 227551.
29. Harper, H.H. (February 2010). "Navy Canal Stormwater Facility Performance Efficiency Evaluation." Final Report prepared for Seminole County, Florida for Master Agreement No. PS-0984-06/TLR, Work Order #1.
28. Harper, H.H.; Baker, D.M.; and Harper, C (January 2010). "Winter Haven Chain-of-Lakes Sediment Removal Feasibility Study." Final Report prepared for the SW Florida Water Management District and the City of Winter Haven, Florida
27. Harper, H.H.; Harper, C.; and Baker, D.M. (September 2009). "Runoff Characteristics of Natural Vegetation Communities in Florida." Final Report prepared for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Contract No. SO108
26. Harper, H.H. (July 2008). "Evaluation of the Performance Efficiency of the New York Avenue Exfiltration Facility." Final Report prepared for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Contract No. SO238
25. Harper, H.H. and Baker, D.M. (2007). "Evaluation of Current Stormwater Design Criteria within the State of Florida." Final Report submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Agreement SO108.
24. Harper, H.H.; Baker, D.M., and Harper, C. (2006). "Performance Evaluation of the Turkey Creek Subdivision Outfall Improvements." Final Report prepared for the City of Palm Bay, Florida for PO# 501757.
23. Harper, H.H. (2005). "Effects of Residence Time and Depth on Wet Detention System Performance." Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Stormwater Research & Watershed Management. Tampa, Florida, April 27-28, 2005.
22. Harper, H.H.; Villapando, R.; and Zhao, Y. (2004). “Phosphorus Removal in Lake Okeechobee Tributaries Using CDS and Baffle Box Units.” In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Water Resources Conference. Orlando, FL, November 1-4, 2004.
21. Harper, H.H. (2004). "Lake Okeechobee Tributary Sediment Removal Demonstration Project." Final Report prepared for the South Florida Water Management District for Contract No. C-11205.
20. Harper, H.H. and Baker, D.M. (2004). "Nonpoint Source Model Development and Basin Management Strategies for Lemon Bay." Final Report prepared for the Southwest Florida Water Management District.
19. Harper, H.H.; Baker, D.M.; and Harper, C. (2003). "Performance Evaluation of the Palm Bay Basin 7 Wet Detention Pond." Final Report prepared for the City of Palm Bay, Florida.
18. Harper, H.H.; Baker, D.M.; and Harper, C. (2003). "Performance Evaluation of the Palm Bay Boundary Canal Baffle Box Structure." Final Report prepared for the City of Palm Bay, Florida for PO# 303005.
17. Harper, H.H.; Baker, D.M.; and Harper, C. (2002). "Effectiveness of Stormwater Treatment Systems in the Florida Keys." Final Report prepared for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for Contract No. WM797.
16. Harper, H.H. and J.L. Herr. (2000). "Chemical Coagulation of Stormwater Runoff: An Economical Alternative for Reducing Nonpoint Source Impacts." Proceedings of the Delaware Urban Erosion, Sediment & Stormwater Conference. Newark, Delaware, October 24-26, 2000.
15. Harper, H.H.; Herr, J.L.; and Baker, D.M. (1999). "Performance Evaluation of Dry Detention Stormwater Management Systems." Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Stormwater Research and Watershed Management Conference. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Tampa, Florida, September 14-17, 1999.
14. Harper, H.H. (1999). "Stormwater Chemistry and Water Quality: Estimating Pollutant Loadings and Evaluation of Best Management Practices for Water Quality Improvements." Proceedings of the 1999 Stormwater Management: A Designer's Course. Florida Engineering Society, Orlando, Florida, August 26-27, 1999.
13. Harper, H.H.; Herr, J.L.; and Livingston, E.H. (1998). "Alum Treatment of Stormwater: The First Ten Years." New Applications in Modeling Urban Water Systems - Monograph 7 - Proceedings of the Conference on Stormwater and Related Modeling: Management and Impacts. Toronto, Canada, February 19-20, 1998.
12. Harper, H.H. (1995). "Pollutant Removal Efficiencies for Typical Stormwater Management Systems in Florida." Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Stormwater Research Conference. Southwest Florida Water Management District, Clearwater, Florida, October 18-20, 1995.
11. Harper, H.H. and Miracle, D. (1993). "Treatment Efficiencies of Detention with Filtration Systems." Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Stormwater Research Conference. Tampa, Florida, October 7-8, 1993.
10. Harper, H.H. (1991). "Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Alum Stormwater Treatment System at Lake Ella." Final Report to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for Project No. WM339, 200 pages.
9. Harper, H.H. (1990). "Effects of Stormwater Management Systems on Groundwater Quality." Final Report to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for Project #WM190, 529 pages.
8. Harper, H.H. (1987). "Stormwater Treatment by Natural Systems." Final Report to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for STAR Project #84-026, Tallahassee, Florida, 697 pages.
7. Harper, H.H.; Wanielista, M.P.; Fries, B.M.; and Livingston, E.H. (1986). "Effects of Inputs of Stormwater Runoff on the Stability of Metal-Sediment Associations in a Hardwood Wetland." Proceedings of the Conference on Research and Applications of Aquatic Plants for Water Treatment and Resource Recovery. Orlando, Florida, July 20-24, 1986.
6. Harper, H.H. (1985). "Fate of Heavy Metals from Highway Runoff in Stormwater Management Systems." Dissertation for Degree of Ph.D., University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, December 1985.
5. Harper, H.H.; Yousef, Y.A.; and Wanielista, M.P. (1985). "Effectiveness of Detention/Retention Basins for Removal of Heavy Metals in Highway Runoff." Proceedings of the EPA Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting. Orlando, Florida, March 1985.
4. Harper, H.H.; Wanielista, M.P.; Baker, D.M.; Fries, B.M.; and Livingston, E.H. (1985). "Treatment Efficiencies for Residential Stormwater Runoff in a Hardwood Wetland." Lake and Reservoir Management Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference and International Symposium on Applied Lake and Watershed Management. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, pp. 351-356, November 13-16, 1985.
3. Harper, H.H.; Yousef, Y.A.; and Wanielista, M.P. (1984). "Efficiency of Roadside Swales in Removing Heavy Metals from Highway-Associated Nonpoint Source Runoff." In Options for Reaching Water Quality Goals. Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association. Washington, D.C., August 12-17, 1984.
2. Harper, H.H.; Wanielista, M.P.; and Yousef, Y.A. (1983). "Fate of Heavy Metals in Stormwater Management Systems." In Lake and Reservoir Management-Urban Lake Quality. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the North American Lake Management Society, pp 329-334. Knoxville, TN, October 18-20, 1983.
1. Harper, H.H.; Wanielista, M.P.; and Yousef, Y.A. (1982). "Restoration of Lake Eola." In Lake Resoration, Protection, and Management. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the North American Lake Management Society, pp 13-22. Vancouver, British Columbia, October 26-29, 1982.
2018 ERD Environmental Research & Design