Harvey H. Harper, III, Ph.D., P.E. - President
Email: hharper@erd.org
Click here to view full resume
Dr. Harvey H. Harper, P.E. serves as Project Director for all project activities. In this role, he oversees all activities performed and is responsible for the overall success of each project. Dr. Harper earned a B.S. in Limnology, an M.S. in Environmental Science, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering. Dr. Harper has over 30 years of experience with stormwater, water quality, and lake restoration projects. He has personally been involved with the evaluation and/or stormwater retrofit for over 100 creeks, rivers and lakes throughout Florida. He is recognized as one of the foremost experts on water quality and BMP effectiveness in the southeast United States, and is routinely called upon to serve as an expert witness at administrative hearings or court cases. Dr. Harper has successfully completed over 30 sponsored research projects, conducted over 125 presentations, and has published over 110 reports, chapters, and articles on water quality and lake management issues. He is an active member of the Florida Lake Management Society (FLMS), the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS), the Florida Stormwater Association (FSA), and the Florida Engineering Society (FES). He has presented papers on water quality topics at each annual meeting of the North American Lake Management Society since 1982.
B.S. Biological Sciences (Limnology), Florida Technological University, 1977
M.S. Environmental Sciences, University of Central Florida, 1979
(Thesis Title: "Ecological Responses of Lake Eola to Urban Runoff")
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 1985
(Dissertation Title: "Fate of Heavy Metals from Highway Runoff in Stormwater Management Systems")
Professional Registration
Registered Professional Engineer in State of Florida, Reg. #32595
Registered Professional Engineer in State of Washington, Reg. #31061
Florida Engineering Society Certificate of Continued Professional Development, Certificate No. 1421
Professional Experience
1986-Present: President - Environmental Research & Design, Inc.
Activities: Water quality engineering exclusively in the area of environmental chemistry, stormwater management systems, lake management and restoration, use of alum for pollutant removal, groundwater pollutant studies, wetlands and sediment chemistry
1978-1990 Faculty Member - University of Central Florida, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Water Quality Modeling
Pollutant Loading Analyses
Efficiency and Performance of Stormwater Management Practices
Response of Fresh Water to Pollutant Loads
Chemical Coagulation for Pollutant Removal
Honors and Awards
1993 Award for Outstanding Technical Achievement (Alum Treatment of Stormwater), Florida Engineering Society
Award for outstanding presentation from Environmental Chemistry Section, Florida Academy of Sciences for paper presented on March 24, 1979 titled "Algal Productivity Responses of Lake Eola to Urban Runoff"
Sponsored Research Projects
Over 20 projects for FDOT, FDEP, SJRWMD, NWFWMD, and various cities and counties.
Over 50 publications related to ground and surface water quality and stormwater treatment.
Over 60 presentations throughout the United States.
